Iwan fals pengobral dosa
Iwan fals pengobral dosa

Galang is also the name of a song made Iwan, entitled Galang Rambu Anarki Opinion on the album, which tells about the restlessness of parents increased the prices of electrical current from the fuel price increase in early 1981 on the day of birth Galang (January 1, 1981). Galang became guitarist in Bunga groups and had released an album before his death. Nevertheless, the music that he bring different with the trade mark has become a father. Galang follow in his father's plunge in the music. Iwan marry Rosanna (Mbak Yos) and have children name Galang Rambu Anarki (deceased), Annisa cikal Rambu Basae and Rayya Rambu Robbani. Family Iwan was born in Jakarta on 3 September 1961 from the pair Haryoso (his father) (deceased) and Lies (his mother). Concerts Kantata Takwa that time until now seen as the biggest concert music and music history termegah throughout Indonesia.

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Travel career Iwan Fals hold up when he joined the Kantata Takwa in 1990 that boosted by a full Setiawan Djodi. When the group joined the Swami and Swami titled album released in 1989, the name of Iwan`s greates Bento hits with print and unloading is fenomenal. During the New Order, many events scheduled concert Iwan prohibited and canceled by the government apparatus, because the lyrics to the songs lyrics-critical. When Iwan second child, born cikal 1985, the activities directly the busker going stopped. Time broadcast the event Manasuka Press Commerce in TVRI, song Oemar Bakri was shown in TVRI. Then, after the television was signed in 1987. Bachelor of the album was great demand, and Iwan start getting bids for a variety of singing. He get to the house to house, sometimes in the traditional market or Blok M in Jakarta. Bachelor of albums, for example, music by Willy Soemantri. In Musica, the songs Iwan been more serious. Prior to Musica, Iwan has been recording the album around 4-5. Until the end, travel to work together with Iwan Musica Studio. But it also failed, and only consumed by a particular course. Arwah Setiawan (deceased), Iwan's songs humor was recorded with Pepeng, Krisna, Nana Krip and produced by ABC Records. After the festival can be champion in country music, Iwan took humor Song festivals. But the album failed in the market again and Iwan The busker again. Iwan recording the first album together with colleagues, Toto Gunarto, Helmi, Bambang bule joined in Amburadul. then sell his bike for the cost of making his bike master. Next, came a call to venture in Jakarta from a producer. When in junior high school, Iwan a guitarist on school choir. Playing the guitar since he was young and even mengamen ability to train and construct guitars track. His Talent for the music when he was aged 13 years, where Iwan spend much time with The busker in Bandung. Travel Lifestyle Iwan Fals boyhood spent in Bandung, then join his brother in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia for 8th months. Until now Oi branches can be found every corner archipelago and some even up of the world. The foundation's activities of the fans mewadahi Iwan Fals. The rabid fans Iwan Fals even establish a foundation on 16 August 1999, called the Foundation of Indonesia or known to the ordinary appeal Oi. become the role figures of fans spread across the archipelago. Iwan also had become a columnist at several sports tabloids. Iwan who also had active in sports activities, have achieved a degree Karate Champion Level II National Champion Level IV National Karate 1989, was signed in pelatnas and practice karate in the campus, STP (Publisistik High School). Iwan Fals not only singing with his song but also the creator with some of others song. Discussion on the behavior of a group of people (like Wakil Rakyat, Tante Lisa), for the marginalized groups (like Siang Di Seberang Istana, Lonteku), or the big disaster of the Vietnam (or sometimes outside from Indonesian land, such as Ethiopia) dominate theme songs as the sing. Through song, music, and he was taking the life of social-culture in the late 1970s until now. Iwan Fals called native Virgiawan Listanto is a one of legend from Indonesian.

Iwan fals pengobral dosa